Aminet 26
Aminet 26 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Aug 1998].iso
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Subject: Aminet is the world's largest archive
Today, May 16th 1996, four years after its inception, Aminet is the world's
largest collection of freely distributable software for any computer system.
I'd like to seize this opportunity to talk about the recent history of our
archive and thank everyone involved. Also, to celebrate the event, we're
giving away a CDROM drive and 10 Aminet CD subscriptions; read more below.
It has been a long while - 17 months - since I last talked about the Aminet.
That's simply because the violent early days are definitely over. Much about
Aminet is now routine, everyone has grown used to it. (For more on the
early history, check docs/misc/5000.txt and 10000.txt).
Again, there has been steady growth. The number of mirrors has increased
from 12 to 30, we have more and better search services and other incremental
improvements. Some services still wait to be implemented, though, especially
the possibility for everyone to submit comments to Aminet software and
append them to the .readme file. Other services are only rudimentary, like
the rating facility. Clearly, improvement is due.
More important than those access features, however, are the contents. And
here, the situation looks very good. Firstly, there have been more uploads
by the users than ever before, with a record high of 430 in one week just
recently. Additional growth was caused by the fact that the Aminet CD's
now appear bi-monthly (which is the way the participants in a large survey
wanted it), and because those CD's don't get completely filled in that short
time, more material is integrated into Aminet regularly to fill them. Thanks
to that, we now have large collections of clip art, mods, fonts, games and
other interesting stuff from outside sources on Aminet.
The most important development, though, is the fact that Aminet has now
been accepted by the world outside the networks as the place where one can
publish freely distributable software to make it widely available. Thus,
almost everything that is available for the Amiga ends up here. And I am
absolutely convinced that this service, the availability of everything to
everyone, has contributed considerably to the amazing life-force that the
Amiga is showing in those tough times.
Once more, it's statistics time. Apart from the record number of 29.000
files (world record according to www.shareware.com), we're just crossing
the total size of 5 gigabytes (second to a 5.7G OS/2 distribution archive).
In addition, as mentioned before, we just saw an all time upload record
of 433 files in one week. Some further stats:
Monthly uploads (excluding integrated material):
1995 1996
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Mar Apr
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
1061 923 1129 916 1269 776 907 1068 949 873 1042 985 1240 1274
Subdirectory size in megabytes: (total: 5052M)
Growth factor since the 10000 files posting:
biz comm demo dev disk docs game gfx misc mods mus pix text util
--- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ----
119 178 902 188 20 170 431 257 246 961 44 1049 317 162
2.2 2.2 5.8 2.0 2.0 8.1 3.4 1.0 3.2 3.6 1.3 7.7 5.3 1.6
Number of files at the mirrors:
ftp.wustl.edu ALL
ftp.ninemoons.com ALL
ftp.unina.it ALL
kelly.uni-paderborn.de ALL
ftp.uni-paderborn.de ALL
ftp.grolier.fr ALL
sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk ALL
ftp.netnet.net 25950
ftp.tas.gov.au 22273
ftp.eunet.ch 20446
ftp.uni-erlangen.de 19552
ftp.luth.se 16053
ftp.ua.pt 15019
ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de 12329
ftp.tu-chemnitz.de 12329
ftp.uni-siegen.de 9009
sunsite.cnam.fr 6336
ftp.fh-augsburg.de 5647
ftp.uni-trier.de 5453
ftp.uni-stuttgart.de 3729
ftp.uni-bremen.de 3240
ftp.uni-kl.de 2180
ftp.gui.uva.es 1792
ftp.uni-oldenburg.de 916
ftp.giga.or.at 871
Currently, my main project is rewriting the Aminet mirror scripts. Duh,
you say, what does that mean for me? More than you think. The new scripts
will allow alternate main sites to take over in case wuarchive goes down,
so you get more reliable service. And they're very easy to install, so
you can expect more mirrors to pop up. Next, they run on Amigas as well,
do you can have your personal Aminet mirror on your harddisk. Finally,
they are a precondition for implementing the long promised annotations,
and a thing called views.
Annotations are the last big missing feature from Aminet. Everyone should
be able to post comments about other people's uploads, giving usage hints,
recommendations or compatibility notes. I still cannot promise any dates
on this one, but chances to get this implemented have increased now.
The other nice-to-have that's still missing are views. Views are trees
of softlinks that create a different image of the Aminet file collection.
You could, for example, have a second 'Aminet' that only contains modules,
but the modules are sorted by author. Or one that only contains files
that are in the download charts. That, too, will still take a while.
Finally, some improvements are due in the access software of Aminet CDs.
That will hopefully be adressed soon, too.
The contest is long over, sorry.
There are countless people who keep Aminet going. I'd like to thank
them all, but especially:
The uploaders for writing freely distributable software and taking the
pain write readmes and to upload them
Matthias Scheler who helps a lot with the daily administration and
moderation at wuarchive
The mirror adms for maintaining that large number of mirrors which made
the success of Aminet possible
The beta testers for finding all my mistakes on the CDROMs
Stefan Ossowski for producing the Aminet CD
James McCudden for maintaining wuarchive.wustl.edu
I hope you liked the service so far, and if you have any comments, wishes or
ideas, please do contact me.
Urban D. Mueller